Abstract: With the rapid development of electric and electronic technology, information technology and advanced manufacturing technology, the production mode of manufacturing enterprises is being transferred from digital to intelligent.
Industry 4.0 is a combination of Cyber-Physical Systems linked in the supply chain and manufacturing processes with usage of the Internet of Things and Industrial developments. A definition for Industry 4.0 is that it is an (r)evolution towards digitalization.[1]
The term Industry 4.0 stands for the fourth industrial revolution. It is understood better as a latest level of control and organization over the value chain of the product lifecycle, it is focused on individual customer requirements. The cycle starts from the product idea. Then order placement in made and product goes through the development and manufacturing. Then it makes it way to product delivery for the end customer where the cycle moves to the end phase, recycling. The availability of relevant information in real time by connecting all activities of the value chain forms the basis for the fourth industrial revolution.
The connection of systems, things and people creates self-organizing, dynamic, real-time optimized value-added connections across companies. They are further optimised in accordance with different criteria like availability, costs and consumption of resources.
Industry 4.0 is a reevaluated technique for manufacturing that makes use of the newest and latest technological creations, especially in incorporating operational and information technology.
keywords: Industry 4.0, smart factory, sensors, actuators, information channels, IoT, RFID tags, Business intelligence