Abstract: From last few decades effective centralization and globalization there is a tremendous growth in population in Indian Cities. Because of that number of vehicle users are increasing day by day. Simultaneously traffic congestion is increasing due to disobeying traffic rules and careless driving. As per world population survey, India’s population almost equal to 17.7% of world population. Because of unseriousness of the traffic traveling time is increases this will limits the speed of vehicle. Because of above situation traffic congestion increases and most importantly it is affecting on emergency vehicle which are not able to reach their destination on time (i.e., Ambulance, Fire Engines, Police cars, etc.) The problem adherence of emergency vehicles can be solved by clearing the lane for emergency vehicles travel. In this paper by using ‘smart signal system for emergency vehicle we can reduce achieve reduction in critical traveling duration and to save human life irrespective of any aspect.
Keywords: Emergency vehicles, Arduino, GSM, Relay Card, LED.