Abstract: A methodology is introduced with oversee waste in large urban areas adequately without checking the parts 24x7 physically. Here the issue of disordered waste assortment is addressed by planning an Arduino Uno framework which will screen every dumpster exclusively for the measure of waste kept. Here a computerized framework is accommodated isolating wet and dry waste. A mechanical arrangement can be utilized for isolating wet and dry waste into independent compartments. Sensors can be utilized for isolating wet and dry. In this process, IR sensor detects the object when placed. Based on the moisture content present in the object, moisture sensor will detect the type of waste. The waste is segregated accordingly in to the bins. It leads to reduced quantities of hazardous waste and toxic gases like carbon-di-oxide and methane. It also reduces human efforts.
Keywords: Arduino, Carbon-di-oxide, Methane, Moisture Sensor, IR Sensor.