Abstract: Social big data comes from two different domains one is social media and another is big data. Social media is very good platform to connect with each other, both together can effectively target their audience for business purpose. Big data becomes well known buzzwords, because velocity, variety, and volume of big data , security and privacy issues are magnified .Social data comes from many different resources but in this paper we focus on social media data. Big data having large number of issue on web storage and social network. The combination of big data technologies and machine learning algorithm has generated challenges in area of social media and social networks and the challenges mainly focus on data processing, data storage, and data representation using pattern mining, analyzing user behavior and tracking the data. *V model provides definition related to what is big data based problems, application, software or framework. Social media data application can be machined learning, Natural language processing, opinion mining can be used in many different areas such as cyber security, health issues, hobbies, and e-business. Large amount of heterogeneous data, to process that data and generate knowledgeable information from it is one of the biggest challenges. The conceptual model of social big data shows framework of big data technologies. In this paper we discuss current challenges of social big data such as security, privacy issue, streaming and online algorithms, methods of data fusion and data utilization, job opportunities.
Keywords: Big data, social media, machine learning, *V model, data analysis, social issues, PCDM.