Abstract: Growing inclination toward sustainable and effective fire suppression technologies subsequently drives the market for new technologies. AbstractThis project paper discusses the design and construction of a solar powered fire alarm cum extinguisher. Their system would use solar power, allowing for a constant source of power without greenhouse gas emissions that help drive climate change in the way batteries used to power conventional fire extinguishers do. The next solar-powered fire extinguisher will have been equipped with high-grade sensors and AI algorithms for the real-time tracking and analysis of burning incidents. Not only does the integrated fire alarm system immediately trigger extinguishing action, but it also alerts those on-site as well as emergency response services. This networked approach improves the overall efficiency of fire suppression systems and makes an intelligent and robust solution for both domestic and non- domestic areas Similarly, the aim of the project is to find out if this kind of a solar powered fire extinguisher can be cost-effective, reliable and adapt itself to different locations. This project advances the mission of developing sustainable and effective solutions for fire prevention systems, emergency response, while also utilizing alternative energy sources
Keywords: Solar Energy, Renewable Energy,Fire Extinguisher, Fire Alarm.