Abstract: Solar refrigeration systems have gained significant attention in recent years as an environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative to conventional refrigeration techniques. The concept of harnessing the Peltier effect, which involves the use of thermoelectric modules, offers an innovative approach to cooling and refrigeration powered by solar energy. This abstract provides an overview of our research, which focuses on the development and optimization of a solar refrigeration system based on the Peltier effect for potential applications in a variety of settings, including domestic and off-grid scenarios.

Our study begins with an exploration of the fundamental principles behind the Peltier effect, emphasizing the thermoelectric materials used in the Peltier modules. These modules work by exploiting the temperature gradient created when an electric current pass through them, enabling heat transfer and cooling on one side while simultaneously heating on the other side. The primary objective is to maximize the cooling effect while efficiently utilizing the available solar energy.

We discuss the design and construction of a solar refrigeration prototype system. This system includes solar panels to capture and convert sunlight into electrical energy, which is then directed to power the Peltier modules. The system integrates heat sinks and fans to enhance thermal management, increasing the overall efficiency of the cooling process. The control system, based on microcontrollers, monitors and optimizes the operation of the refrigeration system.

Keywords: Solar panel, Cooling fan, Peltier module, Battery, Solar charge controller.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11426

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