Abstract: Systematic field investigations were conducted using pre-tested questionnaire and standard methods to record the waste management activities followed in private schools and colleges in Mysore during 2022. Around 78.6% schools are practicing the waste isolation and 33.3% schools have classified the waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Only, 28.6% schools have solid waste disposing facilities. Few schools (7.1%) have adopted measures to convert solid waste into manure. Moreover, 87.7% schools conduct awareness program of which 14.3% schools follow as per rules, regulations and acts prescribed by the pollution control board. Further, 64.3% schools have established green clubs to look after waste management activities using sign boards displayed (100%) in the premises of schools. Surprisingly, most of the schools (100%) didn’t have liquid waste management and treatment plants. However, 44.4% colleges isolating waste into solid and liquid waste and 14.3% colleges have classified waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable.....
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