ABSTRACT: Trithiazyltrichloride was prepared by passing dry chlorine gas in the solution of Tetrasulphurtetranitride in CS2 at 00C. The formed trithiazyltrichloride was investigated and used as a ligand (L) to prepare its complex with FeSO4. The reaction product was obtained after refluxing FeSO4with tri-thiazyltrichloride in DMF for 8 hour at 350 C. The obtained polymer product was analyzed with the help of Mass, IR, Electronic, EPR and XRD diffraction spectra. The formulated complex (FeSO4 S3N3Cl3)5 is found to be iron bridged tetra-dentate co-ordinate pentamer and paramagnetic with triclinic geometrical structure.

Keywords: Synthesis, Trithiothiazyltrichloride, Ferrous Sulfate DMF, polymer.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9237

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