Abstract: Lace cookies also known as Florentine cookies, are very thin, flat, crispy with brittle texture and has a see-through appearance. Traditionally, they are prepared using almond or oats flour. The present study was done to develop lace cookie using pearl millet flour. Pearl millet is a gluten-free cereal grain, rich in protein, iron with multiple health benefits. The millet cookie dough was prepared using pearl millet flour, butter, brown sugar, honey, milk, vanilla essence and Cocoa powder. Addition of Cocoa powder was done to enhance the colour and flavour. Prepared cookies were evaluated for proximate composition (moisture content, ash content, fat, iron) sensory and physical characteristics (weight, diameter, thickness and spread ratio).
Keywords: Pearl millet flour, lace cookie, sensory characteristics, physical characteristics
Work Cited:
Elakiya R, Subashini B, Dr Simmi Jain "STANDARDIZATION AND FORMULATION OF PEARL MILLET LACE COOKIE", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 133-136, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.101121.