Abstract: Systematic field investigations were conducted at few Lakes amidst Mysore during September, 2019 to March, 2020 to record the water birds status by following standard methods. Total 33 water bird species were recorded, which belong to 10 orders and 15 families at five Lakes and their relative abundance varied considerably. Painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala), northern Shoveler (Spaula clypeata) and little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) population were high compared to other species. Among water birds, 23 amphibious and 10 aquatic species were recorded. Of all, 17 species were resident birds, nine species were migratory species and seven species were local migrants. Further, feeding habits of these birds varied considerably. There were 24 species carnivorous and nine species omnivorous in their feeding habits. Furthermore, nesting activities of these water birds occurred during different seasons. Surprisingly, most of the Lakes were facing threats due to various man-made activities and 13 threats were common at different Lakes, required mitigation. Total, 20 mitigation measures are suggested, which are very much required to maintain and manage the normal conditions of these lakes amidst urban area.
Keywords: Urban Area, Water Birds, Status, Mitigation Measures.