Abstract: For this STRESS – STRAIN – STRENGTH PROPERTIES, which relates to the three most common tests we performed and in line with the previous experiments, it is deduced that by applying them practically, it helps to explain the conditions of the loaded areas on the field. Therefore, in the field of operations, I have selected the three most common tests; I – D Consolidation (Compression) Test, where the loaded area is large with soil thickness of m & n ~5; Direct (box) Shear Test, using the Oedometer of Non-uniform Strains and Poor version of simple Shear; and Triaxial Test. However, the Std. TC tests at varying stresses of normal for Mohr-Coulomb Failure criteria figures into the practice very well. Hence the envelope from fig. 1.2 represents the limiting condition of the state of stress, for it is the conditions for which Mohr Circle lies above the envelope. It is also known that when Mohr Circle Tangent to envelope, then the point of tangency represents conditions on the failure plane, which results to rupture surface, where shear stress = Shear Strength; which leads to large deformations.
Keywords: Stress-Strain Relation, Mohr Test and Load Applications.