Abstract: Drilling as we all know is a vital part in manufacturing all machines be that a simple hanging bar to one of the most complex rockets. Quite possibly the most important parts of drilling are a drill bit. So, it is vital to strengthen this important aspect to ready it for any use. Our fundamental objective behind this paper is to study the drill bit in detail while doing analysis using ANSYS and testing various materials with different moments and on different work pieces. We will likewise concentrate some of the unconventional types of drilling which paves the way for future of drilling for example, high energy plasma drilling. Our main spotlight will be on deformation and stress analysis using titanium drill bit on Al 1100–O and later we will analyze many more materials such as structured steel and high strength steel. The significance of this analysis becomes more important as it reduces various expenses and labor effort.
Keywords: Manufacturing; Drill bit; Titanium, structured steel, HSS Drill Bit; Ansys
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8504