Abstract: A bridge is being built to connect two or more levels. SHM has been widely used in a variety of engineering fields because to its capacity to adapt to unfavourable structural changes, improve structural dependability, and life cycle management, all of which will improve the condition of the structure. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a method that detects, locates, and quantifies deterioration in structures at such an early stage in order to avert unexpected failure. It also aids in work monitoring. The goal of structural health monitoring is to give quantified and reliable data on the actual state of a bridge, as well as to track its development and detect the advent of degradations. Non-destructive testing (NDT) is now a technique for evaluating and analysing the qualities of a materials, component, structure, or systems. It is frequently necessary to assess buildings after they have hardened to verify whether they are fit for their intended usage. The goal of this study is to review the structural evaluation of an existing bridge by performing a non-destructive test called rebound hammer along the bridge by the concerned authority in order to obtain the reduced compressive strength parameter of the bridge's superstructure and modelling and analysing it by FEM software specifically STAAD Pro V.i8 and comparing the results such as Bending moments, Forces, Deflections, and Stresses and providing necessary repair and rehabilitation advanced technologies.
Keywords: Concrete bridges; Staad pro; Structural Health Monitoring.