Abstract: Watershed management can be said as a concept which recognizes the judicious management of three basic resources of soil water and vegetation, on watershed basis, for achieving particular objective for the wellbeing of the people. It includes treatment of land most suitable biological as well as engineering measures. The watershed aims, ultimately, at improving standards of living of common people in the basin by increasing their earning capacity, by offering facilities such as electricity, drinking water, irrigation water, freedom from fears of floods, droughts etc. One of the important aspects of watershed development is increasing groundwater recharge. For effective watershed development it is important to look at the manner in which water flows below the ground in aquifers, which are layers of rock in which groundwater is stored and through which it moves to wells and springs. Understanding aquifers helps locate water conservation structures appropriately.
Keyword- Rainwater harvesting, first flush mechanism, Roof water system, Gutter for conveyance, Underground RCC tank, Methods of distribution of harvested rainwater.