Abstract: Any technique that will lessen the effects of climate change is referred to as a climate adaption strategy. In order to influence anticipated climatic changes, adaptation entails reducing risk from climate change. The goal of this study is to offer adaptation strategy for implementing district-level, sustainable responses to climate change. Additionally, mitigation is typically accomplished at the national and state levels. The effects of climate change differ depending on the local physiography.
The current analysis identifies the physiographic regions that are both severely and less affected. Solutions for implementing adaption policies and plans should be provided by the inquiry. The functions that villages and grama panchayats play in society's adaptation to climate change should be included in a district-level plan. Whether we take action or not, humans will adapt to the effects of climate change. We can decide to adapt in a way that safeguards our most priceless resources by taking action. We run the risk of losing or harming some of our most precious resources if we do nothing.
To stop climate change, mitigation involves lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Even if significant mitigating efforts are quickly put in place, adaptation to the effects, such as higher average temperatures and greater rainfall unpredictability, will be necessary. According to this investigation, while adjusting to the current climate's variability may help us prepare to some extent for future climate change, doing so will not be enough on its own.

Keywords: Climate adaptation strategy, Physiographic regions, temperature, rainfall.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9715

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