Abstract: This demonstration elaborate the collection of the real time data after the detection of collision in an around the vehicle environment and analyze the collected data to have the conclusion regarding the collision while simultaneously transmitting the data over the wireless network. The Evidence Collection System is vehicle based device which collect the data like speed, engine temperature, acceleration, GPS position, wiper movement, date and time. This data can be used to investigate the crime, rescue operation and insurance claims. This data then transmitted to the database server so that web application can be able to access this information at different places like Police station, Insurance Company. In the existing method we can detect the visual information by using sensors and after detecting it rings buzzer to indicate that driver is not paying attention on driving and after buzzer rings driver will come to normal position and he will concentrate on driving. Before driver comes to alert position accident may occur In the existing method the main disadvantage is we are detecting eyes by using sensors but we are not identifying exactly weather the driver paying attention on driving or not.
Keywords: Evidence ,Data, Collision, Black box, Car.