Abstract: In this paper, we study the connection of cosmic ray intensity (CRI) and geomagnetic storms (GSs) with various interplanetary parameters (i.e. B, Bx, By, Bz, Ey) and their product functions (i.e. BV, BzV, B2V Bz2V) for complete solar cycle 24. In order to find the association of CRI with various interplanetary parameters and their product functions, we incorporate the analysis technique by superposed-epoch analysis. The current analysis depict that various interplanetary parameters such as Bx and By are CR-effective. The peak values of CRI is found to be in good correlation with Bx and By (r= -0.85 for Bx and r= 0.71 for By). The interplanetary parameters such as B, Bz and Ey are found to be moderately correlated with CRI. We have obtained specifically good values of correlation coefficient between CRI and various product functions of interplanetary parameters (r= -0.61 for BV, r= 0.50 for VBz, r= -0.52 for B2V, r=-0.5 for Bz2V). Besides this, we have obtained high values of correlation coefficient between Dst index and various interplanetary product functions (r= -0.82 for Bz2V, r= -0.81 for B2V, r= 0.84 for BzV and r= -0.87 for BV). We statistically proved that various interplanetary product functions are highly geo-effective and CR-effective parameters. Moreover time-delay analysis has also been performed by the method of correlation coefficient between CRI, geomagnetic activity indices, vrious interplanetary parameters and their product functions. Beside this, we also compare the different geomagnetic activity indices (AE, Ap, AU, Kp) with Dst index.

Keywords Cosmic ray intensity, Interplanetary parameters, Interplanetary magnetic field, Geomagnetic storms, Interplanetary product functions.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9225

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