Abstract: In order to provide security for network and data transmission for wireless network, cryptography and network encryption techniques are being used. One of the key aspects of wireless network data transmission is to provide data protection and security. In the wireless networks sensors are linked to the base station. The need for protecting wireless network sensor is very critical and hence encryption and network security are essential. Network security comprises security for the entire network system. Network security is important because it protects valuable data, which, when possessed by the wrong person, could end up causing a wide spectrum of problems, from inconveniences to catastrophes. An organization without adequate network security cannot function. Secure communication can be achieved through various encryption techniques viz. cryptography, digital signatures, steganography, digital watermarking etc. Cryptography is a technique of encryption used to secure information and protect the network, as various networks are related and admire attacks and intrusions. In this paper we discuss the cryptography with its aims, forms and algorithms.
Keywords: Cryptography, Network Security, Wireless Network, Encryption.
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9741