Abstract: Now a day’s the multi-storey buildings are constructed for the purpose of residential, commercial, industrial etc., with an open ground storey is becoming a common feature. The most important application of floating column is for the construction of soft storey in the ground floor to facilitate free space for parking or entrance corridors. This free space will provide parking option for residential, industrial and commercial buildings.
In banquet halls, lobbies, conference room, large interrupted column free space is required for free movement of people and vehicles. For the purpose of parking all, usually the ground storey is kept free without any constructions, except the columns which transfer the building weight to the ground. For a hotel or commercial building, where the lower floors contain banquet halls, conference rooms, lobbies, show rooms or parking areas, large interrupted space required for the movement of people or vehicles. Closely spaced columns based on the layout of upper floors are not desirable in the lower floors. So, to avoid that problem floating column concept has come into existence. With the advancement in construction materials and design technologies and the context of substantial urban growth, tall structures are increasing day by day, the cost of land also increases. Hence, it was the best idea to expand vertically. The design of the tall structure is highly conservative because tall structures are susceptible to seismic forces.
In this study, it is checking the behavior of floating column considering as gravity column type. Objective of paper was to avoid seismic effect on floating column by provide shear wall at core and at corner of the building, by provide very less stiffness modifiers for floating column, by providing pin joint at each end of floating column, and as per IS13920:2016, clause 11 additional moment applying on floating column by R times displacement for factored seismic load. The study reveals that the by providing pin joint on each end of floating column are the efficient and good result to avoid moment due to seismic load.
Key words: Shear Wall, Floating Columns, Seismic Load, Pin joint, Stiffness modifier ETABS-2018.