Abstract: The world is emerging towards the online resources due to Covid-19. It is resulting into large use of electronic and computer devices worldwide. As new upgradation in E-devices is taking place, the old once again creating big problem for ecology and environment on earth surface.And to balance the E-waste produce and avoid the e-waste landfill all over the world. Hence vigorous and determinant attempts are made to use non-biodegradable E-Waste in concrete. The main intention is to add non-biodegradable E-Waste as fibers in concrete to upsurge the mechanical properties of concrete. In this research paper E-waste material strips (Strips of external body of E- devices cut in length of Fibers) are used as Fibers. Fiber strips are added in proportion starting from 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1% of total volume of concrete. In this article mechanical properties of concrete like compressive strength, flexural strength, bending strength and bond strength using E-waste strip as fiber.
Keywords: Electronic Waste, Strips, Fiber, Concrete, strength.