Abstract: Present day, technology has emerged in such a way that it can provide solutions to any real-life problems but in our daily life, traffic is the major issue, parking the vehicle in no parking place is the one of the major reasons for increasing traffic. We do not have a perfect system which finds the vehicle standing in no parking place. One such solution to the problem of towing vehicles is done efficiently by using embedded systems and IoT Technology. When a vehicle is parked at NO PARKING ZONE knowingly or unknowingly the owner is punished with a penalty and a notification will be sent to the consignment officer for registering a complaint against the vehicle. Every day public and traffic police wasting their time just for verification of documents. Helmet is mandatory but people neglect to wear the helmet, so every time traffic police must monitor this operation. Here penalty part is done manually so there may be a chance of misuse which leads into corruption. The role of traffic police is very helpful for the society. They are meant to be controlling the heavy traffic flow but, they control the drink drive, they control without helmet ride to save the lives. They always try to bring traffic awareness to the people. But unfortunately, some of our traffic police became corrupted, they always try to find different ways to hold people accountable for money in the name of traffic rules. Many time Traffic police stop us to verify our documents, so we have to carry our documents. Which is not feasible and it is also waste of time and will disrupt the traffic flow. Hence, we need a system which can overcome all the major imperfections in the present traffic control system.
Keywords: RFID, GSM, LIMIT SENSOR, IR sensor, Embedded C