Abstract: Human connection is more important than ever as the world battles COVID-19. The internet plays an important role in connecting people throughout the world. Many businesses have taken certain measures to connect and collaborate in these unwanted times. This has led to an increase in demand for online collaboration tools for connecting people throughout the world. A tool widely used in such places to collaborate and connect is a whiteboard. In this paper, we develop a tool to increase collaboration without restricting people to any location, any particular OS, or any particular device needed to be used. Our application allows users to interact and collaborate through visual explanations, especially regarding the writing of the text, making diagrams, uploading images and models/sketches interactively that can be shared with all participants connected over the network in real-time. The tool does not require any plug-in to be downloaded, it is easy to use and has no limit on the number of clients. We have implemented this system by using “Insert software we’re going to use to create this”.
Keywords: Online Whiteboard, NodeJS, Sockets, Transfer Control Protocol.