Abstract: Sericulture refers to the raising silkworms to deliver silk. India is the second biggest producer of silk in delivering 15% of the aggregate silk creation. Sericulture is the base of social, economic, cultural and political progress of India. Temperature and humidity play a main role in the development of healthy silkworms in every stage. Disinfection is one of the reproving parameters to be considered for healthy and successful silkworm rearing. Sericulture is the significant occupation in India and techniques utilized by the agriculturists are as yet outdated. Hence there exists the need of using innovation in Sericulture cultivate. Although, there are different modules available for temperature and humidity tracking. No systems are actually implemented for sericulture domain for monitoring purpose. The temperature is controlled and monitored for eggs, termed as incubation. But there are no noticeable methods for further stages of silkworm. Therefore, it emphasises the need of automatic and continuous monitoring for Sericulture. The main focus here is providing a way of monitoring automatically and continuously without frequent human intervention by combining the traditional methods. To achieve this model, we made use of technologies like IoT and cloud that provides several capabilities for the model like real time data storage, alerts for user also providing various kind of visualisation to know about the current and previous environmental condition in silkworm shed remotely. Thereby reducing the risk of silkworm infection due to varying environmental condition.
Keywords: Temperature, Humidity, IoT (Internet of Things), Automation, Arduino, Cloud (ThingSpeak).