Abstract: One of the determining factors of the success of a company is employee performance. Every organization or company will try to be effective, so that the programs implemented can realize the company's goals and visions. The business model implemented is by improving employee performance. The important aspects considered having some effect on performance improvement are transformational leadership, organizational culture, and job satisfaction. This study aimed to find out the effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture on job satisfaction, to find out the effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture on performance, and to find out the effect of job satisfaction on performance. The object of the study was the teachers at several Catholic schools in West Jakarta with a total of 205 respondents. This research used quantitative method with a Likert scale to measure the results research. The research design used was causality design to determine the relationship between two or more variables. The hypotheses used SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) as the analytical technique using Lisrel program. The results showed that transformational leadership and organizational culture have a positive and significant effect on teachers' job satisfaction, transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance, organizational culture does not have any effect on teacher performance, and job satisfaction has a positive effect on teacher performance. This study also found that there was an effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture on teacher performance mediated by job satisfaction.
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Performance