ABSTRACT : Can we imagine a day without women? Particularly in the countries like India, a day without women is a day without love, care, food and everything. India is the only country where the variety of goddess worshipped and India is the one of the developing countries where women have lesser value than men and living with the insecurities. From the ancient period to till now, women played a very prominent role in each and every field, but the discrimination against women is still exists. The slogan of equal rights for women is reminding us that the women are still not equal to men. It is common that any person can have problems during their lifetime but the sad reality is that, the women are facing problems even before their birth in the form of foeticides. Beginning with that, in each and every stage of life, women are facing all kinds of discrimination and subjected for exploitation of their rights. This paper details the kinds of offences that are happening against women along with the related provisions made by our government and how they are failed implement the provisions and to achieve the objects they are made for. This paper also contains the suggestions to improve the status of women in India.
Key Words: Indian Women, Women Legislations, Dark side of women life, Women Freedom.