Abstract: Paper waste is included in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18 Year 2008 on waste reduction with changes to the waste characteristics. Composting paper waste is conducted by changing the characteristics and composition of the waste that is beneficial for plants and the environment. Paper waste is a thin and flat material of the compression process of the fiber and wooden rods. Solid paper waste has organic compounds include the content of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and sulfide, the necessary elements of the plant. Composting paper waste with Takakura method is by adding household vegetable waste and local microorganisms (MOL) from the mixture of the rice water residu with brown sugar. This research is aimed to determine the growth of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) with the application of paper compost on planting media. Paper compost utilized in this application after brooded for 7 days to prevent the occurrence of mold. The research is conducted with a laboratory scale with the composition treatment of the paper compost, sand, garden soil and dolomite limestone divided according to the treatment in a planting pot, with P0 as a control, P1 a mixture of sand and husk charcoal, and P2 the addition of dolomite limestone. The results of the observations on plant height almost the same average with 3 treatments in a pot that is 23 cm for 15 days, while the pH and temperature of the soil in the pot added lime dolomite (P2), shows the average pH of 6.8 and a temperature of 240C. The chlorophyll content of leaves on the 30th day after planting produces a high total leaves chlorophyll value in the control (P0) that is 2.036 (mg/mL). The conclusion of this research is that the effect of paper compost can be used as organic fertilizer on the peanuts since the growth of peanut leaves show the growth pace without going chlorosis of the leaves.
Keywords: Paper waste compost, peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), soil pH, leaves chlorophyll