Abstract : This research aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership style and work environment to employees performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi. This study is Descriptif and Verifikatif research. Population on this research are employees that work at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi. and the sampling method that used in this research is kuesioner with 67 respondent. Data analysis that used Partial Least Square analysis (PLS). Result of this research are there is the effect of transformational leadership to job satisfaction at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi, there is not the effect of work environment to job satisfaction at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi. there is the effect of transformational leadership to employees performance at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi, there is the effect of work environment to employees performance at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi, there is the effect of job satisfaction to employees performance at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi, there is the effect of transformational leadership to employees performance through job satisfaction at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi, there is the effect of work environment to employees performance through job satisfaction at Yayasan Matahati Nabawi.
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Employees Performance and Work Environment