Abstract: Cloud computing is the latest technology in today’s generation. Cloud computing is growing rapidly nowadays. E-learning is becoming very popular. It is virtual distance learning using the Internet. E-learning usually needs many hardware and software resources, cloud computing isproviding all the facilities which e-learning needs and it is one of the ideal technologies to usein learning. Cloud computing helps students, teachers, researchers, and administrators. In the present education system, it is very difficult for educational systems to provide quality educationfor students. Even if the fracture and facilities provided by the institution are high, it isstill notable to provide quality education and progress.

This problem can be solved by the Internet. Cloud computing is used in many fields because it is more advantageous and it is providing many services which are required in every field. Using the cloud all the students, teachers, researchers can easily access any information from anywhere using the internet.

Cloud deliversbetter services in educational sectors. Cloud computing is power and it will grow more by providing many benefits. Cloud computing is cost-effective. Companies can use cloud computing for their growth. Cloud computing has a bright future and it provides benefits in many fields. Including educational institutions, many organizations can benefit through cloud computing.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Mobile computing, Distance Education, Database

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10770

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