Abstract: In the field of education recent advancement and issues have deeply affected the learning of students. They are confronted and challenged to possess different types of learning styles. Learning style is a form of human behaviour that individuals use for new learning. Therefore, learning styles are widely accepted by the learners to face the learning problems. Each student has the natural way of learning to learn best. The way by which students approach their learning tasks and behavior determines the learning styles. Students solve their problems of learning with different learning styles. In this study learning styles include visual, aural, verbal, kinesthetic, logical, social or interpersonal, solitary or intrapersonal learning. Leaning styles help them to learn new and difficult information to compete. It prepares them for future life. To study the importance of learning styles of higher secondary school students’ researcher has considered survey method. The researcher has used self made tool on learning styles for data collection. The sample consisted of 239 higher secondary school students of Ranchi District. To analyze data Mean, SD and ‘t’ test were used. The finding of the study showed that there is no significant differences in the learning styles of higher secondary school students on the basis of gender (male and female), types of school (government and private), habitation (rural and urban) and residence (day scholar and hosteller). The study is concluded that higher secondary schools students were found similar in respect of their learning styles. Yet, it can be said that learning style is important for the students for their future life.
Key words: Learning Styles and higher secondary.