Abstract: The garden cress seeds were subjected to dry roasting process. Changes in chemical and nutritional quality properties after roasting process were investigated. The results showed that cress seeds are good source of nutrients, such as oil, protein, carbohydrates, in addition to β-carotene, lycopene, phenolic and flavonoids compounds. Chemical composition of the studied seeds flour was significantly (P<0.05) affected by the roasting process. The roasting process resulted in a decrease in moisture, protein, vitamin C contents; however, the content of ash, oil, lycopene and total flavonoids was increased. The abundant minerals in the unprocessed seed flour were phosphorus and calcium. Whereas the contents of magnesium increased after roasting, iron content was decreased. Moreover, the flour obtained from seeds after roasting process was used to manufacture water biscuits; and the overall acceptability of these biscuits did not show significant differences between these biscuits and control (100% wheat flour). Indeed, it could be suggested that dry roasting can be used as processing method for production of roasted cress seeds flour with good edible and nutritional quality to be used as dietary supplement.
Keywords: Roasting process, Garden cress seeds, Phenolic compounds, Flavonoids, Spread ratio, Sensory evaluation