Objective: This systematic review aims to examine the role of gamification and incentives in improving crowd worker engagement and performance in crowdsourcing tasks. This provides a clear focus for the review and sets out the research question the review aims to answer.
Methods: This review synthesizes the existing literature on the topic, drawing on studies from various disciplines such as computer science, psychology, and management. This methodological approach allows the review to draw on a broad range of research and to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic. By adopting a systematic approach to the review, the authors can ensure that their findings are robust and reliable.
Findings: The review explores the various gamification and incentive strategies that are crowdsourcing tasks and their impact on worker engagement and performance. This subtopic provides a clear overview of the review’s main findings and provides evidence for using gamification and incentives in crowdsourcing. Discussing the factors influencing these strategies' effectiveness highlights the issue's complexity and the need for a nuanced approach to gamification and incentives in crowdsourcing.
Novelty: This review provides a comprehensive overview of the literature on the topic and identifies gaps in the literature. By identifying gaps in the literature, the review highlights areas where further research is needed. The review also highlights potential avenues for future research on the topic, which could help to advance our understanding of the role of gamification and incentives in improving crowd worker engagement and performance in crowdsourcing tasks.
Keywords: Crowdsourcing, Gamification, Incentives, Worker engagement, Performance