Abstract: Preservation and protection of water quality is very important for our environment and water is very much essential for life. But nowadays because of various pollutants water quality is decreasing. For present drinking water analysis we have selected the village Nimgoan Jali because we observed that many peoples of that village did not use water purifiers so we collected samples of purified as well as Non-purified water. Various Physico-chemical characteristics of drinking water are studied during this analysis and the result obtained during the study was compared with WHO and BIS Standards. And then it was found that there is no larger variation between purified and non-purified water samples excepting few samples. The present study suggests that there is no specific need to use of water purifiers to obtain potable water if they maintain their drinking water source contamination free.
Keywords- Water, Drinking water quality analysis, pH, comparative study, Purified water and Non -Purified water