Abstract: Transmission line is the most important part of the power system. Transmission lines a principal amount of power. The requirement of power and its allegiance has grown up exponentially over the modern era, and the major role of a transmission line is to transmit electric power from the source area to the distribution network. In essentially, fault analysis is a very focusing issue in power system engineering to clear fault in short time and re-establish power system as quickly as possible on very minimum interruption. The power theft detection which aims to detect any theft related to electricity. Electrical energy is very important for everyday life. The objective of this project is to design a system to avoid the theft. This model reduces the manual manipulation work and theft control. We must first properly understand the working of different parts that is to be combined together. The technology which we are going to use in our project and the implementation of this system will save a large amount of electricity.
Keywords: Transmission line, distribution network, fault analysis, theft control.