Abstract: The present investigation was carried out from 2016 to 2019 in order to explore the existing diversity of flowering plants of Kandhar Taluka of Nanded District of Maharashtra. Kandhar is the southern taluka of Nanded District which abounds in a great variety and large number of species of flowering plants in Maharastra. The vegetation is dry, deciduous and some plants were evergreen. The present investigation provides the list of flowering plants especially Trees and Shrubs present in Kandhar Taluka of Nanded District, Maharashtra State, India. The present investigation entitled “Trees and Shrubs of Kandhar Taluka of Nanded District, Maharashtra.”show a total no of 146 plant species belongs to 44 angiospermic families out of which 98 are Trees, 39 are shrubs, and 9 are palms reported.
Keywords: Trees, shrubs, deciduous, evergreen, rare plant.