Abstract: Ultraviolet (UV) sterilization technology is used to aid in reduction of microorganisms that may remain on the surfaces after a standard cleaning to the minimum number. A comprehensive disinfection is necessary to minimize the risk of transmission and infection of hazard diseases. Currently there is no effective fast cleaning and disinfecting technology available. Ultraviolet sterilization bot is used for disinfecting air to kill Pathogens without human intervention. Cleaning and disinfecting floor using alcohol sprayer is very effective. Pathogens can be detected using air quality sensor. The proposed robot uses this mechanism to disinfect affected regions. Automated path planning for robot is used to move from one place to other using fixed geometry. This system develops a UV robot or UV bot for sterilization in an operating or a patient room and other places like airport, hotels etc. The cleaning is done without human intervention. UV bot has three 19.3 watt of UV lamps mounted on top of the UV bot platform covering 360° direction. UV bot employed an embedded system based on a armlpc2148 to aid in navigation to avoid obstacles.

Keywords: Ultraviolet (UV), Automated, UV robot, Disinfection, Cleaning robot, Alcoholic sprayer.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8563

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