Abstract: Memory management is a crucial component of operating systems that has an immediate influence on system performance, stability, and reliability. Operating systems depend on paging, segmentation, fragmentation and swapping to effectively manage memory and allocate system resources. However, using conventional teaching methods might make it challenging and hard to learn these concepts. The project “Understanding Operating System Concepts using VR” seeks to address this issue by providing users with a hands-on, interactive approach to learn these techniques. The software application offers a visual representation of each memory management technique, allowing users to observe and understand these concepts clearly. To develop the VR application - Oculus Quest, Unity, C# programming language, custom 3D models using Blender, and Oculus prefabs will be used. The Oculus Quest VR headset, which is integrated using unity's oculus assets, will be used to experience the application which provides a self-contained VR experience. The 3D models for the application will be created using Blender, which will be integrated into unity. C# programming language will be used to implement memory management concepts. Test runs will be conducted to ensure that the VR experience is interactive, and that the ideas are conveyed in an innovative and educational way. The program will be created to be simple to use and accessible, giving curious students a great resource. This project is an innovative way to teach memory management OS techniques to students and enthusiasts of operating system concepts. Using Unity to create a virtual reality environment provides an immersive and interactive experience that can help learners better understand these complex concepts. By visualizing how memory is managed in an operating system, learners can gain a deeper understanding of how these techniques work and how they affect system performance.

Keywords: Memory management, Operating system, Blender

Gokul S, Dr. Preethi N. Patil, "Understanding Operating System Concepts Using VR", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 111-117, 2023, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.101214.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.101214

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