Abstract: This study explores the Internet of Things (IoT) and hydroponics fusion, providing a thorough analysis of its benefits and possibilities for future agriculture. Since it uses fewer resources, increases crop yields, uses less water, and has less of an impact on the environment, the soilless farming technique known as hydroponics has become quite popular. Hydroponic systems with IoT integration can monitor vital environmental variables including temperature, humidity, pH levels, nutrient concentrations, and light intensity in real-time, allowing for data-driven decision-making and precise management of growing conditions. Additionally, IoT-based hydroponics encourages resource efficiency by reacting to shifting climatic patterns and supporting it through water recycling and precise fertilizer delivery. It also helps climate-smart farming methods. While early setup expenses and connectivity/reliability issues are significant drawbacks, the long-term gains of greater productivity outweigh these issues.

Keywords: Hydroponics, IOT and Sensors

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.107123

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