Abstract: The education system in Indonesia is experiencing new challenges due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak, which has caused the entire learning system in educational institutions to be shifted to online (online) methods. The implementation of online learning that is too long has an impact on students' learning motivation. Too long a time makes students bored because almost every day they have to sit in front of devices such as smartphones, laptops, and so on to access online learning. The policy of studying at home demands a high motivation from students to learn, while what is happening at this time is a decline in student learning motivation. In this case, the teacher is required to be able to use technology in order to continue the continuity of teaching. Online learning media in the form of "E-Learning Media Portal for Home Learning Kemdikbud" is one solution in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic to increase student learning motivation. This study aims to explain the benefits of E-Learning to increase students' learning motivation. This study uses a quantitative phenomenological approach and uses an interactive model of Miles & Huberman. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The results showed an increase in students' learning motivation in social studies lessons by utilizing five features in the Learning House Portal such as: Learning resources, Electronic School Books (BSE), Question Banks, Cultural Maps, and Maya Classes (google meet and zoom meetings) as one of the Learning Resources. However, it also has obstacles from several factors such as the unpreparedness of students in the distance learning process, the conditions of the learning environment that are not conducive, the condition of the parents of students, the lack of support for facilities provided by parents, and the psychological state of students which includes: talent, intelligence, attitudes, perceptions, and interests are also factors of student success in learning.

Keywords: online learning, home learning portal, learning motivation

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9552

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