Abstract: This study aimed to find out the acceptability of Utilizing Souring leaves concentrate in cooking Adobo in a bottle. Specifically, it sought to: (1) describe the sensory qualities of the three treatments of utilizing souring leaves concentrate in cooking adobo in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture; (2) determine the general acceptability of souring leaves concentrate in cooking adobo in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture; (3) find out if there is a significant difference in the sensory qualities of three treatments in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture; (4) find out if there is significance difference in the acceptability of souring leaves concentrate in cooking adobo in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture; (5) Conduct Shelf- life test of the product, and; (6) Conduct microbial analysis of the best product.
This study used the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using the three (3) treatments. 100 evaluators who evaluated the product in the sensory qualities and general acceptability of the product in terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture. The 9-Point Hedonic Scale was utilized to rate the products. The statistical tools to analyze the results were the mean, Analysis of Variance One Way (ANOVA) and the Post-Hoc Test.
The findings revealed that the sensory qualities and general acceptability was in favor to Adobo with Tamarind Leaves Concentrate in terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture.
There was significant difference in the sensory qualities of adobo with leaves concentrate in terms of appearance, aroma and taste, while there was no significant difference in terms of texture.
There was significant difference in the general acceptability among the three treatments of adobo with souring leaves concentrate in terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture.
The shelf-life of adobo with labog leaves concentrate has a shelf-life up to three weeks. Adobo with tamarind and libas leaves concentrate has four weeks shelf life.
In accordance with the microbial analysis it was found out that the adobo with souring leaves concentrate was safe for human consumption.
Keywords: Agriculture, Food, Science, Developmental Research