Abstract: The major objective of the Online Food Ordering System is to keep track of Items Category, Food, Delivery Address, Order, and Shopping Cart information. It keeps track of Items Category, Customer and Shopping Cart information. Because the project is entirely constructed at the administrative level, only the administrator have access. The goal of the project is to create an application software that will reduce the amount of time spent manually managing foodCategory, Customer, and Delivery Address. It keeps track of all delivery addresses, order details, and cart information.
It is a web application in which Vue JS will be used . The database connectivity will be done using Firebase. It will mainly contain three modules: Admin, User and Payment. The admin will contain the modules like add-food module, manage profile and view-orders. The user module will contain modules like search, cart, my Orders and edit-profile. The admin will be able to add the foods and view the users in the application .The outcome of the project will be a web application which will enable the customers to choose favorite food of their choice. Admin can know all the users who are using the web application using clusters. It will also help the admin to keep track of the number of orders ordered by the users for a particular item[6].