Abstract: The recent trends of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies and Augmented Reality (AR) are attracting the attention of both consumers and retailers. However, the concept is age old and researchers are still working in the user friendly interface, VR will be the new propaganda for the modern day pandemic problems where users have to maintain social distancing and have a contamination threat. Virtual mirror and in-store sensors which will help the users to navigate the correct way and help those in picking the apt choices which will reduce the exchange scale statistics. Through the virtual technology one can know what type of merchandise is available in the store and what type of material are available for them in particular, through this consumer need not touch the apparel physically but can see the fit and overall appearance of the garment on them virtually. There are several mobile applications available in the app store through which one can get to see the merchandise virtually, but it is still in the infancy stage. Thought the virtual mirror is a big boon through its installation one can restore the crashing economy of apparel sector and indeed can increase the sales as there is no risk of contamination and disease spread. Through this pandemic era this is the best option retailers can grab to enhance user friendly apparel retailing.
Keywords: Covid-19, Virtual try-on, augmented reality, social distancing, fashion assistant.