Abstract: Health has become a major concern in today’s generation. In this world every person is undergoing one or more problems regardless of age, the problem may be related to any parts of the human body. Due to the hectic schedule, forgetting things become the major problem nowadays. So the people or the old age one’s forget to take their prescribed pills at proper time. When a people are in high medications, it can lead to confusion, so they may undergo over dosage or under dosage. Medicine reminder helps to the user to regularly track their health conditions even with the absence of the caretaker. Thus this paper is going to help the old age people to consume their prescribed pills without physically in touch with the caretakers. The proposed system becomes a bridge between medical field and technology. This aims in addressing the issue related to medication non-adherence by providing personalized reminders and assisting the users. So the proposed system integrates a camera and MAX30100 sensor has an additional feature, which improves medication adherence and also provides real-time video stream updates and keep track of patient’s overall healthcare conditions.
Key words: Arduino Uno, RTC module, IR sensor, MAX30100 sensor, Pill box, Servo motor.