Abstract: In recent few years, Artificial Intelligence has shown significant improvement and its user cases are growing rapidly. An application area of Artificial Intelligence is Natural Language Understanding (NLU). Voice assistants can have a conversation with the users in natural language. Voice assistants are quite easy to use and can handle many difficult tasks easy. But currently there are no voice assistants or chatbot to analyze database data and also it hard to analyze database data for people with non-tech background.
Almost all Artificial Intelligence programs are reasoning programs. And, to the extent that they reason well about a problem, all are somewhat good at problem solving. Expert systems have a knowledge-base containing extracted experience and an inference engine which is essentially a set of rules for applying the knowledge base to each particular situation that is described to the program. The chatbot’s capabilities can be made better with modifications to the knowledge base or to the inference rules.
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9557