Abstract: The increasing volume of waste matter sludge from effluent treatment facilities is turning into a outstanding concern globally. The disposal of this sludge is incredibly difficult and poses severe environmental hazards thanks to the high content of organic, poisonous and serious metal pollutants among its constituents. This study presents a simple review of four waste matter to energy recovery routes (anaerobic digestion, combustion, and gasification) with stress on recent developments in analysis, nevertheless as advantages and limitations of the technology for making certain price and environmentally viable waste matter to energy pathway. This study focusses on the review of various commercially viable sludge conversion processes and technologies used for energy recovery from perishable wastes. This was done via in-depth method descriptions gathered from literatures and simplified schematic depiction of such energy recovery processes once utilized for sludge. Specifically, the impact of fuel properties and its impact on the recovery method were mentioned to purpose this challenges and up up to currently analysis undertaken to resolve these challenges and improve the operational, environmental and price aggressiveness of those technologies.

Keywords: biodegradable, anaerobic digestion, combustion, chemical action

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9547

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