Abstract: Web farm system targets for the condition of a shopkeeper who are still maintaining paper record for the expense and listing items that need to be ordered. In this website owner and employee of the specific shop both of them will have their own different accounts to login, both of these account will have different ID and password, so that the employee never logins into the owner’s account and the owner will have the permission to login into the employee’s account. The owner will have the permission to list the items that needs to be ordered as per the necessity of the stock. It will also have a feature which will auto detect the quantity of the particular item which is remaining, so that the owner can order as required. This project will help the shopkeeper by providing all kind of information about the store. This will also help to improve the user’s productivity time. This proposes an web-information system that is able for a shopkeeper to have relevant information about the items such as varieties, brands, prize, quantity and other requirements like the things which they are going to keep in their shop. The purpose of our project is to develop a bug free and time saving system to use.
Keywords: Auto-Detect, Productivity, Relevant Information, Bug free.