Abstract: Women's Empowerment can be defined as promoting women's sense of self work, their ability to determine their own choices and their rights to influence social change for themselves and others. The empowerment of women is an essential factor for the sustainable growth of society. In Kerala, a southern state of India Kudumbashree, the women's empowerment organisation, has given. women have social and economic equality. Kudumbashree is a group of women working under the Kerala State Poverty Eradication Mission and under the jurisdiction of local self-government institutions. State government established a poverty alleviation and women's empowerment program at the time of covid 19 that is Janakeeya hotels. Janakeeya Hotel is a food distribution system implemented by the State Government through local bodies with the objective of providing low cost food to all as part of the Covid control program. The scheme is fully implemented through Kudumbashree. This study is conducted among 40 Janakeeya hotel workers who are members of Kudumashree. The aim of the study is to understand whether they were empowered in using financial services or not.
Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Financial empowerment, Women, Kudumbashree,