Abstract: Because of the importance of lowering the infant baby death rate, the demand for innovative advanced controls for incubators is rapidly expanding. A variety of parameters must be monitored in an incubator. This research described an advanced control system for monitoring some critical parameters that affect an infant's life. This technology, which monitors and controls multiple parameters simultaneously with enhanced control and smooth operation, serves to improve the system's accuracy. Two temperature sensors are employed in the proposed system to control the incubator temperature and to monitor the skin temperature. A humidity sensor was utilized to determine whether or not the infant had peed. Measuring BPM with a pulse sensor (Beats Per Minute). The cooling fan and heating bulb are utilized to keep the incubator temperature at an optimal level.
These two are controlled by an Arduino microcontroller based on the temperature of the incubator. Two push buttons are utilized in this system to check feeding and full body check- up completion. A user-friendly application page was created to ensure that the user could easily monitor the service. The systems are Arduino- based, and the IOT module can be used to control the incubator.
Index Terms: Humidity Sensor, DHT11, Pulse Sensor, EM Reader, RFID Cards, LM35