Abstract:Water is a vital resource for human survival. Nowadays, water scarcity has become an important crisis. Water scarcity is defined as the sufficient available water in all the water resource particularly to meet the demands of water usage. Pollution of water is one of the main threats in recent times as drinking water is getting contaminated and polluted. The polluted water can cause various diseases to human and animals, which in turn affects the life cycle of the ecosystem. If water pollution is detected in early stage, suitable measures can be taken and critical situations can be avoided. To make certain supply of pure water, the quality of the water should be examined in real-time. Smart solutions for monitoring of water level and pollution are getting more and more significant these days with innovation in sensors, communication, and IoT technology. In this paper, we have included detailed review of the latest work that were implemented in the college water system. The paper Propose a cost effective and efficient Wireless Smart Water Monitoring and Quality Measurement System. The measured parameters are transmitted to the cloud server for further action.
Keywords: Sensors, ESP32, wireless monitoring, Cloud, Mobile application.