Abstract: The key to making any system intelligent is the internet of things. The requirements of the modern systems are met by using recent operating systems. Numerous platforms have been created for the Internet of Things. The majority of them, meanwhile, are designed for certain implementations and are unable to handle the present constraints of more modern systems. We will cover a broad overview of the Internet of Things, its working mechanism, resource constraints, node attributes, and mixed traffic communications in our research. We will also talk about newer technologies that make use of an Internet of things platform that has numerous uses. Current developments necessitate that modern gadgets be connected to the internet, which builds the modern Internet of things and improves user experience by ensuring a strong connection and efficient use of the devices belonging to the next generation. However, the increased connectedness of the Internet of Things has made it a target for attackers in recent times. We'll talk about common assaults, security risks, and modern Internet of things strategies.

Keywords: Internet of Things, Real-Time Systems

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11710

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