ABSTRACT: In past research, we found out that finding a hostel is a very critical job, this is research where we have overcome the difficulty. In this research, we have published that how to find a hostel and listing a hostel has been easy and with the help of an online marketplace for hostels. Which we have to resolve the problem of finding a hostel, which we found out in the last research. We have done n number of analysis for hostel searching and hostel listing, The results indicated that finding the hostel does have an impact on the hostel industry on this basis we made the online Marketplace platform can target the vast number of hostel searcher using an architectural proposal for the modeling of authentic hostel Marketplace, Software architecture, developed on the platform Information systems, under the technologies: Geolocation, Google maps API, Artificial intelligence, for further updates will be needed to identify other factors that could strengthen the effectiveness of Hosteller.

Keywords: Geo location, Google maps API, Artificial intelligence, Hostel, Software architecture, Information systems.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.85101

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